segunda-feira, 31 de maio de 2021



Almost happy now, he looked at his estate.
An exile making watches glanced up as he passed,
And went on working: where a hospital was rising fast
A joiner touched his cap; an agent came to tell
Some of the trees he'd planted were progressing well.
The white alps glittered. It was summer. He was very great.

Far off in Paris, where his enemies
Whispered that he was wicked, in an upright chair
A blind woman longed for death and letters. He would write
"Nothing is better than life". But was it? Yes, the fight
Against the false and the unfair
Was always worth it. So was gardening. Civilize.

Cajoling, scolding, scheming, cleverest of them all,
He'd led the other children in a holy war
Against the infamous grown-ups, and, like a child, been sly
And humble when there was occasion for
The two-faced answer or the plain protective lie.
But, patient like a peasant, waited for their fall.

And never doubted, like D'Alembert, he would win.
Only Pascal was a great enemy, the rest
Were rats already poisoned: there was much, though, to be done
And only himself to count upon.
Dear Diderot was dull, but did his best;
Rousseau, he'd always known, would blubber and give in.

So, like a sentinel, he could not sleep. The night was full of wrong,
Earthquakes and executions. Soon he would be dead,
And still all over Europe stood the horrible nurses
Itching to boil their children. Only his verses
Perhaps could stop them. He must go on working. Overhead
The uncomplaining stars composed their lucid song.



Quase feliz agora, olhava a sua propriedade.
Um relojoeiro exilado mirou-o quando passava,
E continuou o trabalho; no sítio onde construíam um hospital
Um carpinteiro saudou-o; um empregado veio dizer-lhe
que estavam a crescer algumas das árvores que plantara.
Os alpes brancos brilhavam. Era verão. Ele era um génio.

Lá longe, em Paris, onde os seus inimigos
Murmuravam, chamando-lhe perverso, numa cadeira de espaldar
Uma velha cega ansiava pela morte e por cartas. Ele escreveria
"Nada é melhor que a vida". Mas seria? Sim, a luta
Contra a falsidade e a injustiça
Compensava sempre. Tal como a jardinagem. Civilizar.

Lisonjeando, rabujando, intrigando, ele, o mis arguto
Conduziu as outras crianças numa guerra santa
Contra os adultos infames e, como uma criança, fora velhaco
E humilde, conforme fossem necessárias
A resposta ambígua ou a mentira redentora,
Mas, como um camponês, esperaria pacientemente a ruína deles.

E nunca duvidou, como D'Alembert, que venceria:
Só Pascal era um inimigo digno, o resto
Eram ratos já envenenados; Havia, porém, muito a fazer
E só podia contar consigo.
O caro Diderot era medíocre, mas fazia o que podia;
Rousseau, sempre o soubera, lamentava-se e desistia.

Assim, qual sentinela, não podia dormir. A noite estava cheia de erros,
Terramotos e execuções. Em breve morreria
E pela Europa fora amas terríveis ainda
Por escaldar as suas crianças. Talvez apenas os seus versos
Pudessem impedi-las: Tinha de continuar a trabalhar. Lá em cima
Estrelas impávidas compunham uma canção lúcida.

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